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The problem is that Choice Field Nintex Workflow email shows too much script to end user so how this can be corrected to look like nicer and like a normal email.

This how it looks now in email: 

Hi Sari,

You can get the choices to display a better format by following these steps:

  1. Add the "Set Workflow Variable" action to you workflow and configure it with these options:
    1. Variable = Text variable you created
    2. Value = Configure with these options:
      1. Click "Advanced Lookup"
      2. Equals = List Lookup
      3. Source = Current item
      4. Field = Your choice field in the list
      5. Click the Fx button to the right of Field and select "Choices, Comma Delimited" from the dropdown.
      6. Click the Insert button.
  2. This will result something like iPhone,LG,Windows.
  3. You can clean this up with a Regular Expression to add spaces after the commas and store the result in your Workflow Variable.
  4. Add the Workflow Variable to you email and you should be good.

This worked! Awesome! thanks for the post.

Just tripped over this issue and found this solution.  Incredibly simple!  Thanks!

Thank you for sharing. Such a short and sweet fix.
