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I am working on onboarding request form. Based on one of the fields selection(choice field), all the fields that are below that field should show/hide.

Example: Field - Is exception approved? If the customer select No, then “below fields”  should be hidden and “SUBMIT” button should be hidden/disabled. If the customer selects Yes, then below fields and Submit button should not be hidden.

Your input/suggestions are greatly appreciated.






Which version of SharePoint (2013, 2016, or 2019) are you using? Please also confirm that you’re using SharePoint on-premise.

Which forms designer (responsive or classic) are you using?

I am using SharePoint Online  - Nintex Automation Cloud, Responsive Designer.





Thanks for clarifying.

To hide all the fields, I would suggest adding the “below” fields inside of a Group control and then create a rule to show or hide the group based on the choice field being Yes or No.

To dynamically hide and/or disable the Submit button, try the following steps:

  1. Select the Action Panel and change the “Show submit button” toggle to Off.
  2. Add a Button control to the form with these settings:
      - Title = Submit
      - Name = Submit Button
      - Action = Submit
  3. Create a form rule to show or hide the button with these settings:
      - Name = Show New Submit Button
      - If “Is Exception Approved” Equals Yes
      - Then “Submit Button” Visible Yes
      - Else “Submit Button” Visible No



Thank you for your response. I am new to nintex form, how do I create “Group control”?


One of the controls on the left side toolbox menu is a Group control. Here’s a link the Group control help documentation: Group (

You can just drag it onto the designer canvas and then add controls inside it. Then you can apply the show hide rule to the whole Group control with the other controls inside. The form rule would look something like the image below:



Hi @Nandini,

Drag a Group control from the tool box onto the canvas.
Then drag your controls onto the group.




After changing the “Show submit button” toggle to Off. How do I add the button control to the form?




You should see the Button control between the Barcode and Choice - Multiple controls in the left side toolbox of the designer. Just drag and drop it at the bottom of the form. You can then configure it like I discussed in my previous message.

Thank you for the response. I dont see it in the left side panel.


Thanks for the info. It appears from the screenshot that you might be using the New Responsive designer in Nintex Forms for Office 365. Unfortunately, the Button control does not exist in that configuration. You can hide the Submit button but I do not believe you can show or hide it dynamically with rules.
