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I have an O365 Nintex workflow that has a Send An Email action configured to send out an email with a PDF attachment from a document library from within the same site. The workflow gets terminated once it is kicked off with the following error:


RequestorId: 8f807160-aeae-4fc1-0000-000000000000. Details: System.Activities.Statements.WorkflowTerminatedException: Attachment file URL is not valid for: File name.pdf


Steps I took to configure the Send An Email action.

  1.  Added email recipients and subject line information.
  2. Set Email Service to "External email and attachment"
  3. Check the Email Attachments checkbox, pasted the document URL in the URL field and clicked on "Include Attachment" button. File Name appears below the "Include Attachment" button.
  4. Added the contents of the body of the email and saved the Send an Email action.


I am not sure if anyone else ran into this issue and found a fix for this or whether support can chime to see if I am doing something wrong.


As a side note, when I disable the Email Attachment checkbox, the workflow completes successfully but with no email attachment.


Thank you in advance for your time.

Have you declared the link to the attachment as stated in the description of the field? Have you provided a "site-relative" URL to the file in a document library in a current site? Like "Shared Documents/your_file.pdf"?

Wrong file URL is the only reason for the error.



Site-relative URL was the issue. Thanks Tomasz. I appreciate your quick response and suggestion.

Glad I could've helped you. If my answer is correct please mark it accordingly or someone else gonna do it for you


