Hi @Mittu
Essentially, no one is able to answer you whether there is sufficient time to convert or upgrade your O365 workflow to NAC workflow without knowing the full picture.
You will need to evaluate that based on several factors
- How many O365 workflows are being used currently?
- How many new O365 workflows are being planned or developed for the next 6-12 months?
- What are the complexity of the O365 workflows?
Perhaps you could use the number of actions in the workflow as a guide.
Under 20 actions - Easy
20-50 action - not that complex
50-100 actions - complex
100-200 actions - very complex
200+ actions - very, very complex - How many O365 developers are available?
How many of those O365 developers are trained on NAC?
How many of those O365 developers have experience with O365 conversion to NAC?
In the initial first 2-3 months (your developer are not experience with O365 to NAC conversion)
Estimate 2 weeks per O365 workflow (50-100 actions) for 1 developer.
Estimate 4 weeks per O365 workflow (200+ actions) for 1 developer.
Adjust the estimate as your O365 developers become more proficient with O365 to NAC conversion