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When custom IDs were required I was doing this using SP Designer workflows using similar guidance we see here:


I am looking to generate an ID similar to: FR-2020-0001 and so on and so forth.


I would like to use newer technology with Nintex to accomplish this. Finally I am working for a client that has Nintex!!!! I


I found this posting and it seems to do what I want to accomplish:


However, it's not as thorough for a novice to Nintex such as myself. It looks close to what I was doing in SP Designer with some exceptions as far as I can tell. If anyone knows of anything similar with more in-depth explanation it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.




I created workflow with following steps:

1) Query current list to get all custom IDs into a collection

2) Get last item's ID in descending order

3) Strip text characters using Regex

4) Increment the number by - Do calculation

5) Rebuild the string

6) Update list item

