Hello! I am in a dilemma and do not know where to begin to start security trimming items that are created. I am using Workflow for Office 365 & New Responsive Forms designer for Office 365.
I think I should be able to use audience targeting for this situation but not sure… So! Anytime a form is submitted I need to allow certain users to view certain items so for instance.
Winna Baego is a reviewer and needs to view ONLY AED, AOA and BEE books...all others need to remain hidden.
1.) User submits form and based on selection of books (only one set of books can be selected) they choose either permissions will change or audience group gets assigned once the form is submitted. Unsure how to approach this...

2.) After the form is submitted certain users or group should only be able to see the said set of books as explained in the beginning.
I have these settings in place for the list itself and not sure if its currently affecting it at the moment…

This is the view that all form submitters and reviewers see on the SP list itself