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I am trying to replace the apostrophe in a user's email address on a Nintex form using a Form Variable. This is not working and I think it's because of how Nintex is setting up the replace. I've looked at the source and I think the apostrophe in the email address is effectively closing the one used to enclose the email address.


Has anyone got any advice on how I can replace the apostrophe in an email address and display/use it on a form? I need to take the replaced version of the email address to do some further lookups to a sharepoint list and bring back various values, such as job title, etc. and show them on the form.


Any help would be gratefully appriciated.$(sourceContext)e0], NWF.FormFiller.Functions.GetTypedValue('Test.Mc'','Text'), "'", "*")





I tested with replace(Current User (Email),"'","")
and it seemed to work as expected.
