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I have a form that is using a lookup to pull information from another list. But some of the people who fill out the from do not have access to that list and can't see the lookup choices. Is there a way around that without giving access to that list?

I don't believe this is possible without at least read permissions on the lookup.


I am wondering about this requirement though? Is this a required field on the parent list? If not, Perhaps the answer is to hide the lookup instead. If so, you could create a separate choice field with choices that match the lookup values and handle in workflow or just fix the child list permissions.

Why don't you give them read access to the list where the values are stored? Is there sensitive information in the list that you don't want them to see? If so, set the permissions so that they cannot create personal views. Then have the only public view on the list be one that does not include the fields with the sensitive information. You would also need to customize the list form so that the sensitive fields are hidden except to the people who should see them. It's a lot of work, which I have had to do for a couple of solutions, but it keeps the data you don't want seen hidden from the average user. 
