Issue Description
When you try to pull/move an element out of a a Multistep that includes a Task and move it it back, an error occurs.
Error Message:
The following error occurs:
“The "[Name]" contains a reference to a removed reference field, "[Unresolved Token]"”
The fix is available in:
- Nintex Automation (5.7) Fix Pack 23.
- Ensure you have the correct K2 version and/or Cumulative update installed. See KB001893 to see what Fix Pack level you have installed.
- Download the latest Fix Pack using the links in the table above for the version you require.
- Install the Fix Pack to apply the fix.
- It is recommended to clear browser cache and refresh the page.
If the error has already occurred, the Step may have to be deleted and re-added to remove the existing error (or request a script from Labs that will remove existing errors for this issue.) Once the Fix Pack was applied, the error should not occur for newly created MultiSteps that include a Task, when a step is moved out of and back into the MultiStep.