K2 server is experiencing slowness and the K2 Management site is unable to load with the following error shown:
Request Timed out(http 500 error) A K2 service restart temporarily resolves the issue, but after some time it occurs again.
Below workaround resolved the issue:
1. Edit the SmartForms runtime web.config that can be found in {K2 Install Path}\K2 smartforms Runtime2. Locate the following line:httpRuntime maxRequestLength='16384' requestValidationMode='2.0' enableVersionHeader='false' sendCacheControlHeader='false' executionTimeout='320' 3. Increase the executionTimeout to a higher value e.g. 600. The value is in seconds.4. Save the config file.5. Restart the K2 service and do an iisresetYou can refer to the following documentation for more details on the executionTimeout setting: