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I'm building the email body in a New Workflow Designer Email event, i am using font Arial for my text and and am using Variables and placing within my text accordingly.


So i recieve the email, my text is Arial, however the Variable text is Times Roman (or different to Arial) and the size is different, why?


I used the font and size changers at the top to highligh the whole text as well as trying to highlight just the variables, but it doesn't change the variables.


Why are the simpliest of things not easy in K2? The more i use K2 New designer, the more i find it two steps behind the now LEGACY K2 Studio....



Hi Sharpharp1,


I've tested this with some basic variables from the context browser, using the font and font size changers in the Email Body editor and highlighting the whole text as you mentioned. The font size seems to display consistently on K2 Five 5.3.


I have also attached a screenshot with the results I got and a screenshot of what settings were used to get the result.

May I know which version of K2 do you have installed?


Hope this helps!



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