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I am trying to total a set of values relate to just one field entered.

See the attached screenshot where I am trying to total all things related to T1, T2, and T3. I am trying to show somewhere that T1 = 9, T2 = 5 and T3 = 10.

Is this possible in K2? There is potential to be a T4, T5 etc so I am wondering if this sort of functionality is possible where depending on what is added to this object if there is potential to total those values.


Hello NShouse,


Here is what you can do,  on your list view: Click Settings and the Enable Filtering. See below how to do this.












Enable Filtering:













Finally, HIGHLIGH the "Total" column, SELECT the "Column" tab on the propetires pane on your right hand side, and then CLICK "add" on sum on the Aggregation section. See below image:










Apply the changes and observe the results when you run your solution. Here is an example of when the list is unfiltered and when the list is filtered by "t1" component.








Filtered by "t1" component:






I hope this helps you.



