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The Send Email step in the Five designer allows for 3 options to specify the recipient

  1. Simply type in an email address
  2. Click the down link and pick from the browser
  3. Use a expression, variable, output of SMO, etc.

When I pick Option #2, I see that the Designer shows To: domaingroup-name with the group icon next to it (2 heads). But we are not allowed to change the icon manually, it always expects a user. So I am able to select an email-enabled AD distribution group e..g dlist-whatever at and the email is sent to all the members of the group.


But when I type in this same email address in Option #1, no email is generated, no error is logged, the process completes successfully. How come?


Similarly using Option #3, if I put the same value in a variable (e.g. domaingroup-name) and drop the variable into the To: box, I get an error "domaingroup-name is not a valid email address" which is understandable.


It seems likethe only way to send an email to a group is by a) using the browser b )hard-coding a group email address or c) using a SMO method that returns a collection of user email addresses


How does this work? Can someone shed some light on it?



Hi VA1,


I tested the scenario on K2 Five (5.3) FP39 and didn't run into any issues. Which version of K2 Five is on the environment? If you are on Five (5.3), then I would recommend getting the latest FP.


-Create a distribution group in Exchange (i.e. MyFinance).

-Send Email step is setup with option # 1

-Confirm email goes through both members.




We are on 5.2 FP 31


See below. Both #1 and #2 are typed into the To: field


#1 is an Outlook distribution list with 1 member (joe at company dot com)


  1. When the Email Step includes only #1, no email is generated and there are no errors
  2. When the Email Step includes only #2, Joe does get an email
  3. When the Email Step includes both #1 and #2 as shown below, Joe does receive an email where Outlook email header does show the To: dlist-test at company dot com, joe at company dot com 


My question is - Why does #1 above not work as your example shows? Yes, I did try to send an email manually to the same distribution group in Outlook to make sure the group email is valid and it worked fine


Taking a step back,  why doesn't the designer accept a *variable* with the group email address (dlist-whatever at company dot com) ?


How can we troubleshoot this? 


