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We are upgrading K2 from 4.6.11 to 5.3. We successfully ugraded development and staging environment.

Now, we are going to upgrade production environment. Before starting upgrade in production we need some clarifications.


In production, we need to configure the same url for K2 components as per exiting server.

Is it possible to have same URLs for two servers? If yes, please list the steps to achieve this scenario.


Thanks in advance.




Hello  @ccts ,


Please have a look at this document labelled: How to upgrade the K2 for SharePoint App on a specific site collection (for SharePoint Online with multiple K2 environments)


Alternatively, you can have a look at How To: Allow multiple K2 Servers to use the same SharePoint Farm


I hope this helps.

Good day  @ccts 


I recommend  you to follow best practices for configuring the environment variables between servers's url.

Following this formal documentation( I could tell it's best to destinguish the server's url.


Addtionally regarding the environmental configurations & server url's [please dive into the following whitepaper](


However should you need any special consultancy or hands-on assistance, kindly feel free to log RM ticket, and our consultants will reach out to you advises you in-depth,best practices and recommendations based on your requirements( and for them to assist they will need credits which are purchased here(


Kind Regards;

