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Hi There,


I am having the following error in my process when i deploy: 


Missing reference at SmartObjectField . Error: The best overloaded method match for 'string.IsNullOrEmpty(string)' has some invalid arguments


I am not sure why this error occurs or where to fix it.... Anyone else having the same issue?



Hi Mariusvb


When a recent item is dragged over, the last cached smartObject is used.
Please see hotfix


I hope this helps.


Kind Regards


Note: K2 will not accept any liability for any issues arising from actions taken in respect of the information provided by any forum member.



We have K2 5.1 installed. We will be deploying K2 5.1 FP 3 hopefully that will include the fix...


Will let you know after this has been deployed.




We have logged a support ticket as this issue wasn't fixed with FP 3.

Hi Mariusvb82,


It sounds like the workflow still contains orphaned SmartObject references, these somehow are being compared/checked during workflow deployment. You mentioned you already have a support ticket. Perhaps, you can provide the support team with a copy of the workflow defintion .json file for further investigation, see Sample1.docx.



I have a bit more time to play around with it. I think the issue might be related to Smartfield mapping in the .json file. It's probably at the step/activity level.

If you take a look at the example below, in the externalReferenceDefintion node, the item was internal ID 2 for UMUser SmartObject. This reference is created from workflow's Create Reference step. The SmartObject is correct and is being used in the workflow. Next look at the internal node 2, this one says it is referencing external reference with internal 3, you can see that it's not corrected. To fix the issue, I would have to delete the Task step and re-create it.


Workflow has a Create Reference step and a Task step.

The Create Reference step is setup to use the the UMUser SmartObject's Get User Details method. This is then used in Task step for the destination.


From the .json file, it will look like the one below (JSON Editor online tool can be used to format the .json file)

Nodes: The nodes are all the activities on the canvas.

externalReferenceDefinitions: This is where references to external objects are stored, e.g. SmartObject calls.



Wrong internal ID is getting referenced.


Hope this helps with the issue.
