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We are upgrading K2 4.7 to K2 5.3. In cofiguration analysis, we are facing the following K2 core installation health error.


K2 Core
The task is not complete as one or more of its dependencies failed.
Duration: 0 seconds

Installation Health
Analysis Result: Failed.

The following errors were logged as part of the install:
Failed: SourceCode.Authorization.Interfaces.EntityNotFoundException: The with the ID 'b4fa24da-89*personal details removed*a20-b1aa-6ae7e61a5f4a' could not be found.
at SourceCode.Hosting.Client.BaseAPI.BaseAPIConnection.RemoteCall(String TypeName, String MethodName, Objectc] Parameters, Booleana] NullList, MarshalMessageType CallType)
at SourceCode.Authorization.Client.AuthorizationClient.DoSessionCall(String method, Objectc] parameters)
at SourceCode.Install.Package.Actions.Authorization.AuthorizationBase.BreakObjectInheritance(Guid objectID, InheritanceRightOption option)
at SourceCode.Install.Package.Actions.Authorization.BreakObjectInheritance.ExecuteTarget(Target target)
at SourceCode.Install.Package.Actions.Authorization.AuthorizationBase.Execute(Target target)

Target failed to execute: BreakInheritanceOnCategoriesAuthorizationCategoryObjectSmartObject


We refered the following k2 links,


As per this article, we upgraded with K2 5.3 RTM package only. But still we are facing the above issue. Refer the attachment for further information about error. Please advice to resolve this issue.


Thanks in advance.




Hi Samy


Before the upgrade, did you have both K2 4.7 blackpearl and K2 4.7 SmartForms installed on the environment?


Based on the error, I suspect some of the Management and/or Workspace pages did not install correctly during the upgrade.


You can attempt to run the Setup Manager again and perform the Update option to see if this fixes the issue.




