Hello Dustinaleksiuk,
Yes, RDS integration is not supported by K2, but it does not mean that it wont work with K2. It only means that K2 has not performed any rigorous testing on integration with RDS.
I know that I am not sharing an experience with RDS in terms of integrating it with K2, but I just thought of putting this out as reference to your experience.
Good day @dustinaleksiuk
As "Katlehon" has mentioned we do not officially support Amazon RDS. We only support "pure" Microsoft SQL Server or Azure SQL as reflected in compatibility matrix:
Officially it is not supported at the moment and we have feature requests logged for that, however, you can also create your own feature request at https://ideas.k2.com/
So that it can be motivated and be released on the upcoming future releases of the product.
From the technical standpoint Amazon RDS should expose SQL DB with DB owner rights, but with limited/no server level rights (DB as a service) - so installation should be performed the same way as for Azure SQL. K2 installer wants to have SQL server level rights (db_creator, security_admin) to create K2 DB and assign rights on it. In DB as a service scenario, you may not have all these rights, so for Azure we using DAC package to pre-create K2 DB, see details here: https://help.k2.com/onlinehelp/k2blackpearl/icg/4.7/default.htm#Install/AzureSQL/AzureSQL_BP.htm#Create
If Amazon RDS was supported, then installation process would most likely be similar to Azure SQL installation scenario. But this is not something we have official support for at the moment.
Kind regards,