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Need to upload excel file , after upload the excel file data need to view in the list view .

How to do in the k2 five


Please see this post:


Hi there Maheen! 

I don´t know if you have any restrictions in your environment. 

But i would build a .NET function for reading excel data, then make a table in SQL where i put the correct data, then use that table (or storeprocedure) and use it to show it in a list view.

Thank you for your quick reply I saw your link when I deploy the package I got the error missing reference service .
how to add the service instance kindly help us

Good day Maheen0786,

Please see the following community post: 

and navigate down through to the comment post made by "FromKtoZ" which contains the following link as well:


Thereafter you can use the smart-object to generate a list view to display the data.

Let me know if this helps, and ask further questions if need be.

Thank you and best regards,



On “SmartObject List” Drag the a toolbar buttons called  “Export to Excel” to the top. Change “Export to excel” icon to “Excel Document”, under Properties>settings>icon


   On “Export to Excel” toolbar button click on it to be highlighted>Click Rules>Add Rule>under the rules put the following rules:

“When the control is clicked”

” then execute the Export to Excel method (configure)”.

Click ok Finish


See screenshot below




My requirement is import excel
