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Using HTML which i inserted into the body of a Send email action in K2 Studio is not working when i copy and paste it into the new K2 Workflow Designer... The email just displays the HTMl code when received, rather than render it.


I have clicked HTML View on the Workflow, saved and re-deployed, but doesn't work.


Is there anything i need to do to get this to render? It works just fine in K2 Studio....

Hi Sharpsharp1,


May I check on what version are you using for your k2 environment and what results were you getting ?

I have tried to check the scenario described using a version 5.3, everything seems to be okay.


The correct results for the HTML code renders correctly. Please checkout the attachment


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Seems its browser-related. was using IE and that has some rather strange issues with Designer.


Created the message body via edge and seems to hold on to the formatting
