I try to create a smartobject that calls different HR Directorie webservices ( return format is JSON ) to retreive the manager of a user.
I have no problem to perform the REST call, however i can't find out how to use the result of a previous service object in the following when the result is created from a deserialisation.
Let me explain myself.
To get the Manager I need 4 services object method call in my smartobject:
1 - Call the HR webservice with the usere ID to retreveive all the user info ( which contains the manager id ) as a userobject list
2 - The result is always an object list ( even when calling with an id ) so i need to deserialize the typed array ( no issue there )
3 - I wan't to retreive the manager info so I call step 1 again with the manager id which is a smartobject propertie now
4 - I deserialize the typed array
My issue is during step 3, even if i can map the method parameter to the managerid ( as a smartobject propertie ), it is always empty ( it is not if i stop after step 2 ). I tried to create a smartobject method parameter, assign it during step 2 to use is during step 3. But no luck so far, same issue, the parameter sent to the webservice is empty.
So if anyone got a clue of how to do this i'll greatly appreciate it.
By the way i can't change the HR webservice as it is a closed source piece of software. The purpose of this smartobjcet is to be called from a workflow, so creating a view to create a custom rule won't solve my issue.
Thanks in advance