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Hello folks,


How to pass the modified (or) converted parameter to a subprocess in case of multiple workflows, as 5.2 capable of passing only the default string list-item value.


i have to call a subworkflows based on a list of data (All items as a collection) from a parent process, while  initiating the subprocess i need to pass the each list item as parameter which need to be converted to integer value as existing system is allowing only to defatult string list item.


Any help will be appreciated.




I found how to do it, posting here which might helpful to others.


After selecting the listitem as a parameter to a subprocess,  close and reopen the process, it turns out as InstanceData. 

you can copy the InstanceData to clipboard as well. one can modify the instancedata using functions as well. 

in my case, i converted it to integer using Tointeger funtion which resolved my problem.


Image attached.
