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I have a List View and have the Worklist added.


It displays the various fields, such as Originator (in forma K2:domainuserID). How do i use this field to also display a column alongside which contains the NAME of the originator as well?


I presume its using the Originator field to somehow do a lookup in AD for the matching Username (although the K2 bit would need to be dropped from the Originator column).


Any ideas how to do this?


You should be able to call the UMUser SmartObject and pass in that FQN value and return the Display Name. You may want to create an Advanced SmartObject to handle this. Then you can do it all with just 1 smartobject and it should work with your list view.

Hi MT,


I tried with the UMUser, although this accepts the Originator ID, it still won't output.


Any chance of you knocking a little package to show this working? Just need the Workflow Reports - Workflow General - Process Instance smartobject linking to the UMUser Smartobject to see if this works your side?


I initially created a SAVE AS of the Process Instance SMO, added a new Username field and tried to do a Method linked to the UMUser SMO to bring back the Display Name field and put it in the Username field, but still comes up empty..


