Hi madhu_hari
What you are looking for is a future consideration for K2 Five, vote here: https://ideas.k2.com/ideas/APIT-I-12.
(“K2 Process Error Notification Service Version 3 (K2 PENS)”: https://community.k2.com/t5/General-K2-Utilities/K2-Process-Error-Notification-Service-Version-3-K2-PENS/ba-p/65970?nobounce)
Also check out the following.
Create Error Profile notification emails in workflow: https://help.k2.com/support-services/kbt152547.
Hi Madhu_Hari,
You may checkout the "Error Log" SMO and from there you can check on the design that you want to implement based on your requirement.
This can be found in the below path
1. Access SmartObject Service Test from path [InstallDrive]K2Bin
2. Connect to the neccessary K2 DB
3. Expand SmartObject Explorer
4. Expand All SmartObjects
5. Look For "Error Log" the right click "Execute SmartObject"
6. Change the "Method to Execute" into "GetErrorLogs"
7. Enter the ErrorProfileName as it is a required value. If you didnt set any other names by default it is "All"
8. Click on execute and the error will be shown
Hope this helps
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Hello @madhu_hari
The K2 Process Error Notification Service is a Windows Service which monitors process instances on the K2 blackpearl Server and notifies stakeholders via e-mail when new process errors are detected. How it works The software is installed as a Windows Service. Every minute the service will retreive all new errors for the specified K2 Error Profile and sends an e-mail to the e-mail adresses that are configured for notification. Each error has an unique ID. If a retry is performed by an administrator or the process is set to another activity the error is ?resolved?. Although the process can fall into the same error for the same activity, K2 generates a new error with a new ID and therefore the service will send a notification for this error. For a complete list of changes in version 3 see the manual. See https://community.k2.com/t5/General-K2-Utilities/K2-Process-Error-Notification-Service-Version-3-K2-PENS/ba-p/65970
Hope this helps