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How do I get the Actions associated with a USER TASK by sending the serial number?

Since my workflow holding 18 User Tasks and having different Actions associated with each USER TASK.


Please help me.


How do I can achieve this?





The task serial number comprise of two components, the process instance ID and the activity instance destination ID. You shoud notice the serial number is in the following format: XX_YY


XX refers to the process instance ID

YY refers to the activity instance destination ID


You can run the following query on your K2 database to retrieve list of actions that the user is allowed to perform on the task:


SELECT [ActionName]

FROM [Server].[ActionActInstRights]

WHERE [ProcInstID] = <Process Instance ID> AND [ActInstDestID] = <Activity Instance Destination ID>



Can this be done by using SmartObjects? Or do we have to create a Smartobject for the K2 database?
