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Good day Dears,


Can someone kindly assist on how to get all incoming emails to functional email id using POP3 protocol and without configuring Exchange server. As exchange team can't provide the credentials for Exchange service.


I got one functional account. I have following details of functional account

  1. mail server address
  2. mail server port
  3. username of functional account
  4. password for the functional account


Thanks and Regards,

Rahul Gupta

Good day  @rahulgupta83 ;


Please dive into this exchange doc as this falls outside product scope(, or you might use mail enabler smart action(


Kind Regards;


Thanks  @Widson for your response.


Basically I want to trigger a workflow when someone sends a mail to specific email Ids and we have list of 5 email Id's. Whenever user sends a mail to these email ID's. new instance of workflow should instantiate.


How can we achieve the same in k2



Rahul Gupta

Hi  @rahulgupta83 ;


At this moment i'm not sure of oof functionality for that however, please dive into the following possibility(


Hope it helps.





Business dont want to use other workflow system.


Can we achieve this thing in k2 i.e  trigger a workflow whenever mail is recieved to functional account.


