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Hey, I am starting K2 Server as a console mode but I get an error:

Error 8103 Failed to start socket service: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted-


Any idea?

I have my firewall turned off

Also, this server is located on AWS instance, both ports 5555 and 5552 are opened. Additionally, I found a post like this solving the error through removing 5555 and 5552 from IIS blinding but I only have ports 81 and 443 for HTTP and https 

Hi  @Agustinc1913 


Based on this KB article ,the error indicates that another service is using one of the ports used by K2.


To resolve this issue, please ensure that the K2 Blackpearl service is stopped in Windows Services and there is only one running instance of the process "K2HostServer.exe" in Task Manager.





Hi Augustinc1913,


You can find out which PID is occupied the port 5555 and 5252 via this Powershell or via the command line.


Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 5252).OwningProcess
Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 5555).OwningProcess

Windows Command line

netstat -ano |find ":5252"
//process ID from the netstat command. For example, it returns 11976, it can use it find the process name.
tasklist /FI "pid eq 11976"
