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Successfully created one instance for one site. Followed the same steps for few more sites. When reached a particular site, I get error 500 like in the picture. All of them using one common OAuth resource.


The SharePoint online on Azure AD. Got all these errors since the TLS updates as instructed by K2.


Any settings needed at the SharePoint site? Or any log that I can check on K2 server?


Good day teikboon


Please check if the following are relevant.

“Random 500 internal server errors with different APIs and operations at SharePoint Online”:,

“Random 500 internal server errors with different APIs and operations at SharePoint Online”:




What are the steps you used to create SharePoint Online Service Instance?

I created it through both Smartobject Service Tester and K2 Management



You should update your instances from the K2 App in Sharepoint online directly and only there. 


Please see the following:


That will not solved your issue. You may have to register your K2 App again. 



Tried to activate the K2 app in app catalog site but i got permission error at the end even I am the site collection administrator.

Hi  @teikboon , 


Please try to remove and add your app again following this thead:


For the permission issue: it is weird, if you are site col admin. it should be ok.


Please keep us informed. 

