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Is it possible to show columns Dynamically in List view?


e.g. I have table with Column A, Column B and i am displaying it in list view with help of SP and SMO.

later on i introduce new column in SQL table as Column C then i want to display column C in list view without changing in SP and SMO.

Hi @BigB,

Im not sure about SP, but Column C will have to be added to your SMO/Advanced SMO in order to be included in your listView. You will have to change your SmartObject as the Listview will only read data from its smartobject.


Kind Regards


Hi @Prineel ,

If i changed in SMO manually it means i can not do dynamic column generation of ListView right?

Hi @BigB,

Assuming that you have the new field/column in your smartobject, then you can simply add it to your listview manually (it will not auto-generate):

I have created a SmartObject with a new column added afterwards. 
Next, Open your listview and select any existing column, got to the column tab and at the top, you should options to add new columns, add a column (an empty column will apear).
The new field that you added in your smartobject, should be under “Fields” on the left side toobar. Simply drag and drop the new field onto the empty column.

Hope this helps . Please let me know if this is what you were trying to do/ if you have any questions.


Kind Regards

