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we have are using the Dynamic ADSO service object.

i have modified the config to look at extra AD attributes.

i am running the get users method and applying a filter to look for specfic field that is not blank

the query takes ~40 odd seconds to run.

how can i increase the time for this to run?


in a programming world with powershell, i would scope the search to a certain OU.  is that possible, or can someone suggest the best method to peform AD query to look for a custom attribute and filter for ones with values

Hi braddo


My suggestion here would to leave a comment on the Dynamic Active Directory Service Broker


As the owner of this broker can possible assit in getting this query answered on the timeout. I would recommend that you possible going forward utilize the OOTB AAD & AD Brokers as this will be a K2 Support function.

thanks, i had posted it there also, but thought i would post here also in case others had other solutions.


the OOB brokers are good (if you want basic attributes)

we use other attributes not retrieved by these and such need the custom broker
