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I am very new to K2 and I was wondering if there was a way to drop the domain name off of the email search using people picker? Long story short, my company has multiple email domains for our users, but its the most unique way to search for people in the company. But if the used doesn’t have a standard email domain, or we don’t know which domain they’re in, we cant search for them easily.

Is this a possibility??

Hi @JGrewe ,


Are you trying to use another identifyier other than the domain name?


Kind Regards 


No, the email is the only truly unique identifier (aside from a employee number) that we have. The issue is that certain employees have different email domain. I was hoping that I could just search with the begining of the email before the @ so that it could include all the different domains that we have?

Hi @JGrewe,


The picker control’s search feature should give the results you want if all your domains are in the same table in your database/ smartObject:

If you click the search icon it will open a search box.
Note: the Auto resolve feature (the icon to the left of the search icon) requires you to put in the full name of the user to work
You can search for anyone, select them and press add, they will then appear in the control with whatever display you have set it up to display (e.g. email, domain name, username, etc)

I hope this is what you are looking for :)


Kind Regards


Oh my gosh! That is perfect!!!
