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We just upgraded our K2 environment from 4.6.11 to 4.7 to 5.2 with latest Fix Pack. We have a legacy workflow which was built in Visual Studio Pro 2013. After the upgrade to K2 Five 5.2, we tried to package and deploy this legacy workflow using K2 Studio and it throws following exception:



Attached is the full text of this error. 

Hi SnehalRanaCRSP,

Did the workflow create from the original workflow via the copy-and-paste feature?
Are you able to deploy one workflow at the time?
Could you edit the workflow file (.kprx) in Notepad or in your favorite text editor tool and search 'a98e0e79b2ee47c792be9dd810bdddc8'? I'm guessing there are multiple places with this value. Perhaps, you can replace the last digit of the above GUID to some other values such as 'a98e0e79b2ee47c792be9dd810bdddc1', save it, reopen the workflow in K2 Studio and test the deployment again. Please backup the .kprx first before attempting this.

  1. Did the workflow create from the original workflow via the copy-and-paste feature? No
  2. Are you able to deploy one workflow at the time?  I tried to deploy few workflows (4 to be specific) and it worked. Though, I tried 4 more and it failed with same error
  3. There are multiple .kprx files in this solution, do you want me to check each one of these files to search for "a98e0e79b2ee47c792be9dd810bdddc8"



Could you try to deploy one workflow at a time?

Trying it now. So far it is working. We have alltogether 73 workflows. Once they are all deployed I will post latest update

Got the following error while deploying workflows individually:


SmartObject Server Exception: Service could not be extended. Service Guid 'ef7310e5-b14f-464d-b0f3-a37d6c367620'
Service Object '{nameoftheworkflow} Process Instances'. SmartObject: {nameoftheworkflow} Process Instances]

Quick Update:
After removing Reporting dependencies in SmartObject Association for the failing workflow, I was able to deploy all the failing workflows correctly on K2 Five 5.2. Not sure entirely if this will be the correct approach. 

To remove the linked Reporting SmartObject follow this procedure:


1. Open the WF with K2 Studio or K2 for Visual Studio.
2. In the ribbon (menu) click on Process
3. Under Process click on Associations
4. Uncheck "Create Workflow Reporting SmartObjects"
3. Redeploy the Workflow
4. Create a new package including this WorkFlow.
