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Hi forum,


i have created some advaced smart objects that gets data from a REST service. The REST service is just one endpoint that delivers multiple sql tables within one result. It's just the way it is and i cannot change it :-)

Every advanced smo retrieves the complete result, but only parses the corresponding table.


So if there is a lot of data within the result, a lot of data will be queried multiple times. So is there a way that the REST service instance will cache the result?


Thanks in advance!






From what I know about the REST service broker, there is no caching function available on the service broker itself. You can try implementing caching on the web server that is hosting your REST service. Most common web servers should have some sort of output caching that you can enabled for some common queries.




You can do that using custom broker to manage the cache.

You build your custom broker which call your rest SMO (configurable) and keep results in .NET cache object (you can use static objects for example) or call the REST service if the cache has expired. 


Hope it helps,

Pierre from Flow Factory. 
