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I do not want K2 to use .NET Core 6 in any way. I'm building other solutions which will reside on the same Windows Server as K2. 


Will installing .NET Core 6 cause any problems in/with the existing K2 server and the K2 workflows we have build?

According to the Compatibility matrix, K2 Five (5.3) was created and tested with .NET Core 2.1.7. K2 will support any later patch version than the tested patch version per release so anything that is .NET Core 2.1.x is supported.


Compatibility Matrix:


Please do not remove .NET Core 2.1.x or replace it with .NET Core 6.0 on the server. 

We have no plans for removing .NET Core 2.1.X.


On our developerpcs we have K2 Five 5.3 installed and .NET Core 2.1.X, .NET Core 3.1.9, .NET Core 5 and .NET Core 6. Everything works as usual - i.e. no problems.


According to Microsoft alle these .NET Core versions should co-exist without any problems (as they don't "see" eachother)

Yes, as long as .net core 2.1.x is installed on the system then K2 should continue to function normally. 

Thanks. Now we will start creating REST services in .NET Core 6 that can be consumed by K2.
