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I am trying to create an editable list view in trial K2, But it seems like the trial version is not saving any records.

Is this like a limitation for the trial edition?


after adding multiple records11107iAD345225EF26DE89.png 




Any help is much appreciated, I am fresh to K2 platform.


Thanks in advance,



Did you save the records you have added in the first place? Adding the records into the editable list view is not sufficient. You need to call the view's save method to save each record.


Please check through your rules to see if there are any rules that call the view's save method.


These are the rules


Shall I add any ?

Hi  @Mina_Khalaf;


Welcome to K2 platform, it's not limitation according to this try doc( as BoringNet said, familiarise or recheck your rules, please see this scenario(


Kind regards;


Edit each rule, and check if there are any rules that call the view's save method. If not, you will need to add a button, then in the button click rule, you need to loop through each newly added record, and execute the view's save method for each newly added record.
