K2 Five (5.3) April 2020 Cumulative Update Fix Packs

  • 13 December 2022
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PRODUCT: K2 Five 5.3

BASED ON: K2 Five 5.3

K2 Five (5.3) April 2020 Cumulative Update Fix Packs

The K2 Five (5.3) April 2020 Cumulative Update Fix Packs contain fixes for issues reported in K2 Five (5.3). K2 recommends that you test these Fix Packs before you deploy to a production environment.

Fix Pack Release Date Release Notes Download Link
Fix Pack 1 15 April 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 2 21 April 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 3 12 May 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 4 19 May 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 5 27 May 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 6 2 June 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 7 9 June 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 8 17 June 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 9 23 June 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 10 7 July 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 11 21 July 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 12 28 July 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 13 5 August 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 14 13 August 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 15 18 August 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 16 21 August 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 17 25 August 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 18 2 September 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 19 8 September 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 20 15 September 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 21 22 September 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 22 6 October 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 23 14 October 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 24 20 October 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 25 30 October 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 26 6 November 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack
Fix Pack 27 13 November 2020 Release notes Contact Support for this Fix Pack



Prerequisites and Dependencies

The Fix Packs are only compatible with K2 Five (5.3) products. Because Fix Packs are cumulative, each new Fix Pack contains the updates and fixes that were included with the previous Fix Pack releases. K2 Five (5.3) April 2020 Cumulative Update must be installed first after which the latest Fix Pack must be installed. To determine which cumulative update or fix pack has previously been installed in your environment see https://help.k2.com/kb000426.


Installing the Fix Pack

To install the Fix Pack, run the Fix Pack installer on every machine in your environment where a K2 product or component is installed, including desktop machines that have K2 Studio or K2 Designer for Visual Studio installed. The same installer is used to update the specific K2 products and components that are installed on that machine. 

  • Backup your K2 database.
  • Download the K2 Five (5.3) April 2020 Cumulative Update FP.exe.
  • Double click the .exe file and select a location to extract the installation files.
  • The Update window opens. Click Change  if you need to change the K2 database. Select the correct information and click Accept . Click Update to start the installation. 
  • A warning is displayed if a backup of the K2 database is not found. Create a backup before selecting OK . Click OK on the warning window to continue with the update. Click Cancel if you want to create a backup first.
  • After creating the backup, you can click Update  again on the Install window. If a backup for the K2 database was recently performed, the installer shows you the date and time of the last backup.
  • Click OK to continue with the update.
  • Wait for the update to complete, and then click Finish.
  • If you need to view the installation log file, open it from the link at the bottom of the Update window or you can locate the InstallerTrace[date].log file in the %temp%\K2 Setup Log folder.


Rollback Instructions
    • To rollback the K2 Five (5.3) April 2020 Cumulative Update Fix Pack, uninstall K2 from your environment.
    • Re-install K2 Five (5.3).
    • Re-install K2 Five (5.3) April 2020 Cumulative Update.
    • Re-install the Fix Pack you had installed prior to this rollback.
    • Delete the database created when you re-installed.
    • Restore the K2 database using the backup made before the update.

You can also restore the K2 database before re-installing K2. When you re-install, you can just point to the restored K2 database.


If you had K2 4.7 installed before any of the K2 Five versions, and you make use of the client tools that was installed with K2 4.7, you need to start the re-install with K2 4.7 before you can re-install the K2 Five version.




Fix Pack 1

This fix pack includes the following fixes and feature enhancement:

  1. Feature enhancement: KB003363 - K2 and upcoming changes to Exchange Online authentication
  2. KB003500 - Code Fix: When you open a worklist item and the Form contains a button to start a K2 Work...
  3. KB003511 - Code Fix: Item not deleted from the People Picker control when you use the delete keyboar...
  4. KB003513 - Code Fix: The Activity Summary tab does not open in K2 Viewflow


Fix Pack 2

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003512 - Code Fix: The Choice control does not populate correctly in runtime
  2. KB003515 - Code Fix: When you deploy a package not all views display in K2 Package and Deployment
  3. KB003516 - Code Fix: An error occurs on Forms when you deploy a package via K2 Package and Deploymen...
  4. KB003517 - Code Fix: K2 Package and Deployment becomes unresponsive


Fix Pack 3

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003523 - Code Fix: An error occurs when you add a user to a group
  2. KB003525 - Code Fix: Slow performance experienced in K2 Package and Deployment


Fix Pack 4

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003529 - Code Fix: Referenced controls are not mapped automatically
  2. KB003530 - Code Fix: High memory and CPU usage occurs when the EWS URL is not configured correctly

The fix pack contains a rollback for KB003491.


Fix Pack 5

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003531 - Code Fix: The environment memory usage is high, and the K2 Service stops unexpectedly
  2. KB003532 - Code Fix: A database collation error occurs on a form at runtime
  3. KB003533 - Code Fix: An error occurs when you attempt to complete functions for a SharePoint list


Fix Pack 6

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003534 - Code Fix: Workflow Reports display different totals for Activity Instances
  2. KB003535 - Code Fix: The Primary Group return property is empty
  3. KB003536 - Code Fix: An error occurs on a workflow when an Email step recipient value is empty


Fix Pack 7

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003538 - Code Fix: A workflow goes into error state when you use the Client Credentials OAuth Reso...
  2. KB003540 - Code Fix: An error occurs when you register a REST Service Instance with a “byte” Swagger...
  3. KB003541 - Code Fix: An error occurs on a legacy workflow when an Email step recipient value is empt...


Fix Pack 8

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003542 - Code Fix: A server rule executes twice on a view when using Chrome or Firefox
  2. KB003543 - Code Fix: An error occurs when executing a Web Service Endpoint SmartObject


Fix Pack 9

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003544 - Code Fix: After deleting properties from a SmartObject, an error occurs when you create a...
  2. KB003545 - Code Fix: When you execute the GetDocumentSets method for a specific document set SmartOb...


Fix Pack 10

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003549 - Code Fix: An error occurs when you create a Power Automate custom connector
  2. KB003551 - Code Fix: The Context Browser behavior is incorrect in a K2 Workflow on a multi-step
  3. KB003552 - Code Fix: When you execute the GetDocumentSets method for a specific document set SmartOb...
  4. KB003553 - Code Fix: Workflow Reports display different totals for Activity Instances
  5. KB003554 - Code Fix: The Close button disappears on a sub form
  6. KB003555 - Code Fix: Duplicate escalations are listed in the Process Instance Detail report


Fix Pack 11

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003559 - Code Fix: Controls are not aligned when you view the form on a mobile device
  2. KB003562 - Code Fix: When you copy a Placeholder step with multiple outgoing lines, the lines are in...


Fix Pack 12

This fix pack includes the following feature enhancement and fix:

  1. Feature enhancement: KB003564 - Code Fix: The label for users do not display in K2 Management
  2. KB003565 - Code Fix: PDF files generated on mobile devices are displayed incorrectly


Fix Pack 13

This fix pack includes the following change in behavior:

  1. KB003572 - Code Fix: Deprecated the step by step on screen guide in K2 Workspace


Fix Pack 14

This fix pack includes the following fix:

  1. KB003573 - Code Fix: An error occurs when the Sync Engine attempts to sync accounts in Active Direct...


Fix Pack 15

This fix pack includes the following fix:

  1. KB003575 - Code Fix: When you search for users or groups an error is logged in the K2 Host Server lo...


Fix Pack 16

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003579 - Code Fix: Incorrect execution of the “When the server loads the Form/View” rule
  2. KB003580 - Code Fix: Incorrect behavior on the Picker control on mobile devices
  3. KB003581 - Code Fix: Unable to perform actions on Process Instances in K2 Management


Fix Pack 17

This fix pack includes the following fix:

  1. KB003491 - Code Fix: An error occurs when you filter data using the K2 SmartObject OData API


Fix Pack 18

This fix pack includes the following fix:

  1. KB003585 - Code Fix: Task notification email is not sent to redirected user


Fix Pack 19

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003589 - Code Fix: The Object SID property is empty when you execute the UMUser SmartObject
  2. KB003590 - Code Fix: When a Send Email task contains no recipients, the error that is logged does no...


Fix Pack 20

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003594 - Code Fix: After deploying a package, an item reference is not created in the workflow
  2. KB003595 - Code Fix: An error occurs when executing SmartObjects that are bound to a Composite Smart...
  3. KB003596 - Code Fix: Created PDF shows incorrectly with a grey background and green status bar
  4. KB003597 - Code Fix: XSS vulnerability on forms
  5. KB003598 - Code Fix: Unable to use an Exchange SmartObject to retrieve emails by folder


Fix Pack 21

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003574 - Code Fix: SmartActions stops executing when AutoDiscover is disabled
  2. KB003604 - Code Fix: An error occurs when you attempt to create a K2 for SharePoint App from a Share...


Fix Pack 22

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003607 - Code Fix: An error occurs when you use an identifier field containing new line characters...
  2. KB003608 - Code Fix: An error occurs when you execute the Activity Instance Destination SmartObject
  3. KB003609 - Code Fix: Unable to edit Decimal places on a SmartObject Decimal property data type


Fix Pack 23

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003614 - Code Fix: An error occurs when you create an advanced SmartObject
  2. KB003615 - Code Fix: Incorrect behavior occurs when you edit a date/time value on an Editable List V...
  3. KB003616 - Code Fix: No SharePoint Site templates return in K2 Management


Fix Pack 24

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003620 - Code Fix: An error occurs when you deploy a form that contains a Custom control


Fix Pack 25

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003625 - Code Fix: Deadlock errors occur on the [Server].[kCluster] stored procedure


Fix Pack 26

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003633 - Code Fix: Task notifications are sent to the incorrect user
  2. KB003634 - Code Fix: Unable to click the event that calls a sub workflow from Viewflow
  3. KB003635 - Code Fix: The Picker control behavior is incorrect when using the Internet Explorer brows...


Fix Pack 27

This fix pack includes the following fixes:

  1. KB003639 - Code Fix: When a SmartObject generated from a SQL server Stored Procedure returns data, t...
  2. KB003640 - Code Fix: When copying a user task step in K2 workflow designer and connecting it to anot...


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