Hi @Pavel_Kaplan ,
looks like this could be a Support Case / Feature Request Case, but in the meantime and if you like digging deeper into the xTension Framework, please check this: https://gallery.nintex.com/t/microsoft-teams-extender
This is a Teams Connector from our gallery, you could use this e.g as a reference.
The teams connector and the teams' extender are based on the Graph API from Microsoft.
If you like, check also our xTension Dev Help (https://help.nintex.com/en-US/xtensions/Home.htm) to find more information, how to create an xtension.
Hi @Pavel_Kaplan,
I just tried within Nintex Workflow Cloud to create a team with a name that already exists and the name from the output object contains the right expected same name. There's no unique name but only unique identifier.
In the meantime, I created the same team name from the Teams administration and also using the Microsoft Graph API and there's no change on the name.
Why you do not use the ID later on your workflow as a variable ? It's the ID you have to reference.
Unfortunately the ID is not enough when u try to conctruct url for example to SHO sites related to the team or when u need to add a channels in the created team. And thats the problem because the name u set in the workflow will not be the same in the url adress for example to document libraries made on sharepoint.
If you're using any Microsoft Teams actions, I would recommend to use the ID as the unique identifier as shown below :
If you're trying to build the SharePoint Online URL with the name you have to use the mail nickname from the Teams output object as shown below :
The creation of the channel using the ID of the Team works.
Let me know if it helps.
For creating the channels i will use your advice, but for the SHO url u are wrong because the ninckname doesnt correspond when u try to create a new team with a name which already existed in the past. So the object doesnt contain correct UniqueName. But foret this topic i workarounded that by using GraphAPI.