Good day
How do you get NWC to check on the status of a Sharepoint Online column from a list every day? Based on the value of this column, it needs to continue to check the status of this column until it reaches a certain state.
Column = CompletionDate
I need to create a workflow that checks the value of Todays Date once a day. If the value of today's date equals the value of “CompletionDate” then the workflow stops. But until the value Today's date is equal to “CompletionDate” the workflow continues to run every day at a specified time.
Additional steps I want to include is if the number of days left until CompletionDate is <5<0 then an e-mail will be sent. This part I know how to do.
I have tried using a Scheduled Start as Start Event but i want to use the columns in a Sharepoint List. With Scheduled Start I don't know how to use columns from a list.