I have a start d/t and an end d/t fields on my NWC form. I would like to show a message to the user if their end date is = or < the start time. “is not” , “not equal”, or “equal” conditions are not available when comparing d/t fields in this version for forms. That seems odd to me Nintex wouldn’t make those options available.

The only way I can think of is to convert the d/t fields to strings in a variable. There are many more conditions available when comparing text strings.
My VAR’s are setup the same

Just so I can see if the VAR’s are correctly populated, I’m displaying the values in the fields immediately below the d/t fields, for demo. But it’s not converting the strings in the same format. If they are not in the same format, I can’t compare them in rules.

Both of the fields are configured the exact same way in the Form and in Sharepoint