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New Nintex form plugin doesn't seem very "dynamic"


I’m trying to use the new Nintex form plugin, Dynamically set repeating section rows (neo-rs). But despite its title, it doesn’t seem very “dynamic” to me. I’m a total amateur with plugins and this is my first attempt at using one in an NAC form, so I could be doing something wrong.

I’ve followed the instructions on the gallery page precisely. But the plugin seems to work only if the variable in the Number of sections by default field already has a value when the form launches. If you change the value of that variable - or give it a value - while completing the form, the default number of rows in the repeating section doesn’t change. This doesn’t seem very “dynamic” to me at all. In fact, it seems to defeat the purpose of the plugin entirely. You can already enter a default number of rows in the Repeating section action. If this plugin can’t change that default number while the form is being completed (i.e., act dynamically), I don’t see what good it does.

I’m trying to use it on a form in which the user enters an integer value. That value should determine the default number of rows in the repeating section. But that’s not what happens with this plugin.

Can someone explain what I’m doing wrong? Or am I misunderstanding the purpose of this plugin?

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  • Scholar
  • 319 replies
  • August 30, 2023

Hi @DavidAD 


you are correct this specific plugin isn’t dynamic in the way I think you intend, it is specifically for allowing an number of default rows, it’s not intended to change it post form load. 

Currently in a repeating section the default value is fixed and cannot be set to a variable, if it’s 10 it’s 10 there is no changing it. 

This plugin allows you to leave the default as 1 and set the “variable default” in the plugin which is applied on load, this can work with a calculated value post form load using a rule to execute the change by setting the value of the plugin using a rule.


I think what you need is a plugin that can add and remove sections accordingly, I could change the plugin to perform this function however I couldn’t think of how you would handle which sections to remove, if they are filled what do you do? And what are the use cases?




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  • August 30, 2023

@Jake, thank you for your quick reply. I have to admit I’m still confused. Can you give me a use case for the plugin as it currently works? I don’t understand why you would want to set a variable default on load that’s different from the default setting of 1 in the repeating section, if that variable can’t be changed post-load. For example, if I were to set the variable in the plugin to be 3, and the form therefore loads with 3 rows in the repeating section, couldn’t I just enter 3 into the Default number of rows field of the Repeating section control, and not use the plugin at all?

My use case is a form for employees to complete when they want to volunteer to participate in certain events sponsored by our Marketing department. For some events, the employee is allowed to bring guests (e.g., spouse, children, etc.). But if these guests participate, we want them to wear a shirt with our corporate logo on it. So if the employee indicates they will be bringing guests, the form asks how many guests and how many of those will need a shirt. If this latter number is 1 or greater, a rule in the form then makes the repeating section appear and it asks them to enter a shirt size for each guest needing a shirt. It would be nice if the number of default rows in the repeating section could match the number of shirts needed (and, of course, this number is not set until the employee enters the number post-load). I was hoping this plugin would allow for that. As it is now, we have to hope they will enter a shirt size for each of the guests they’ve indicated they’ll be bringing.

I submitted this idea a while back, actually, to ask if the minimum and maximum number of rows in a repeating section could be made to accept a variable. For instance, if this were the case, the variable for the minimum and maximum rows in the repeating section of my form would be the number of shirts needed. Then the employee would be “forced” to enter a shirt size n times (where n = number of guests needing a shirt).

Thanks for your help.


DavidAD wrote:

@Jake, thank you for your quick reply. I have to admit I’m still confused. Can you give me a use case for the plugin as it currently works? I don’t understand why you would want to set a variable default on load that’s different from the default setting of 1 in the repeating section, if that variable can’t be changed post-load. For example, if I were to set the variable in the plugin to be 3, and the form therefore loads with 3 rows in the repeating section, couldn’t I just enter 3 into the Default number of rows field of the Repeating section control, and not use the plugin at all?

My use case is a form for employees to complete when they want to volunteer to participate in certain events sponsored by our Marketing department. For some events, the employee is allowed to bring guests (e.g., spouse, children, etc.). But if these guests participate, we want them to wear a shirt with our corporate logo on it. So if the employee indicates they will be bringing guests, the form asks how many guests and how many of those will need a shirt. If this latter number is 1 or greater, a rule in the form then makes the repeating section appear and it asks them to enter a shirt size for each guest needing a shirt. It would be nice if the number of default rows in the repeating section could match the number of shirts needed (and, of course, this number is not set until the employee enters the number post-load). I was hoping this plugin would allow for that. As it is now, we have to hope they will enter a shirt size for each of the guests they’ve indicated they’ll be bringing.

I submitted this idea a while back, actually, to ask if the minimum and maximum number of rows in a repeating section could be made to accept a variable. For instance, if this were the case, the variable for the minimum and maximum rows in the repeating section of my form would be the number of shirts needed. Then the employee would be “forced” to enter a shirt size n times (where n = number of guests needing a shirt).

Thanks for your help.

What he is saying is the default repeating section hat is available in form designer within NAC, is fixed. You can’t pass a variable in for default, min or max number of rows. 

The one available in gallery is for simply passing a variable for x amount of rows in repeating section for default.  

I just tested the form plugin and still getting attempting to get it to work….but sounds like it should. 

Is this your idea you submitted?

Allow for variable input for default number of sections | Nintex Ideas

Looks like they merged yours with mine, but not sure why. I didn’t request default # of rows in RS. I will update my idea. :)

Mine: Start Event Forms - Default Values & Rules | Nintex Ideas​​​​​​


DavidAD wrote:

@Jake, thank you for your quick reply. I have to admit I’m still confused. Can you give me a use case for the plugin as it currently works? I don’t understand why you would want to set a variable default on load that’s different from the default setting of 1 in the repeating section, if that variable can’t be changed post-load. For example, if I were to set the variable in the plugin to be 3, and the form therefore loads with 3 rows in the repeating section, couldn’t I just enter 3 into the Default number of rows field of the Repeating section control, and not use the plugin at all?

My use case is a form for employees to complete when they want to volunteer to participate in certain events sponsored by our Marketing department. For some events, the employee is allowed to bring guests (e.g., spouse, children, etc.). But if these guests participate, we want them to wear a shirt with our corporate logo on it. So if the employee indicates they will be bringing guests, the form asks how many guests and how many of those will need a shirt. If this latter number is 1 or greater, a rule in the form then makes the repeating section appear and it asks them to enter a shirt size for each guest needing a shirt. It would be nice if the number of default rows in the repeating section could match the number of shirts needed (and, of course, this number is not set until the employee enters the number post-load). I was hoping this plugin would allow for that. As it is now, we have to hope they will enter a shirt size for each of the guests they’ve indicated they’ll be bringing.

I submitted this idea a while back, actually, to ask if the minimum and maximum number of rows in a repeating section could be made to accept a variable. For instance, if this were the case, the variable for the minimum and maximum rows in the repeating section of my form would be the number of shirts needed. Then the employee would be “forced” to enter a shirt size n times (where n = number of guests needing a shirt).

Thanks for your help.

Also if understand what @Jake explained and your concerns then the post load doesn’t “update” after load for start event forms. I agree with you, not very helpful then and doesnt’ make sense. It’s probably intended to pass the x number through a workflow into a task form vs a start event form. I couldn’t get it to work either on a start event form after it loaded and I entered # of guests. Hopefully Jake can update the file. 

My first thoughts on what to remove would be last ones that don’t make the cut. If 5 was initially selected then they change the # of guests to 3, just remove the last two rows. I also think that there needs to be an option to disable the trash can then because if it’s dynamic, that defeats the point. You may have a user that deletes a row but says they have 3 guests and you are left with only 2 repeating rows of information. Just my two cents.




  • Scholar
  • 319 replies
  • August 31, 2023

Hi @DavidAD @brandiwoodson , 


I believe the current plugin can support that with help form rules. 

in the plugin add the class to target as normal but leave the value of rows empty, now in a rule when the “number of t shirts needed” value is filled then set the value of the plugin control to the number of t shirts. 

this should kick the plugin into working even after load as the plugin waits for the first value to execute. 



  • Scholar
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  • August 31, 2023

If that doesn’t work I’ll take a look next week and make it support that :)


  • Author
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  • August 31, 2023

@Jake and @brandiwoodson, thank you both for your replies.


brandiwoodson wrote:

What he is saying is the default repeating section hat is available in form designer within NAC, is fixed. You can’t pass a variable in for default, min or max number of rows. 

The one available in gallery is for simply passing a variable for x amount of rows in repeating section for default.​​​​​​

Right, I understand that. But the plugin doesn’t seem to do anything to change that fact. And if all the plugin does is assign a default number of rows to the repeating section upon form load, and that number can’t be changed after form load, I don’t see its purpose. You can already set a default number of rows in the Repeating section control itself.

(Yes, the idea you linked is mine. I don’t think it’s necessary to be able to remove rows, though I can see the utility of disabling the trash can. For instance, if you were to set the minimum and maximum number of rows to the same number, the trash can would then be disabled since you obviously want that specific number of rows. My idea is simply to allow those number fields in the Repeating section control to be set with a variable that can be set or changed during form completion. That’s what I thought this plugin did.)


Jake wrote:

If that doesn’t work I’ll take a look next week and make it support that :)

Thank you. Yeah, it doesn’t work. I tried it this morning and the default number of rows stayed at 1 even after I left the default number blank in the plugin and used a rule to set it once the “number of shirts” field was filled.


  • Scholar
  • 319 replies
  • September 18, 2023

Hi @DavidAD 


I am still working on updating the plugin for you hope to get it released soon.




  • Novice
  • 2 replies
  • July 12, 2024

Did any method every come about to allow variables to be used in sizing the default/min/max number of rows? I’m looking to replicate repeating sections in a task based on the repeating sections in the start form.

Ex. On the start form, if the user submits with 5 rows in the repeating section, I’d like to be able to dynamically size the repeating section in the task form to have 5 rows (or however many the submitter uses). Currently, in the task form, I have to add multiple repeating sections with different numbers of default rows and hide all but that one I’m needing. It’s a huge pain.


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  • July 12, 2024
LukeR wrote:

Did any method every come about to allow variables to be used in sizing the default/min/max number of rows? I’m looking to replicate repeating sections in a task based on the repeating sections in the start form.

Ex. On the start form, if the user submits with 5 rows in the repeating section, I’d like to be able to dynamically size the repeating section in the task form to have 5 rows (or however many the submitter uses). Currently, in the task form, I have to add multiple repeating sections with different numbers of default rows and hide all but that one I’m needing. It’s a huge pain.

Hi, @LukeR - yes, this is the kind of use case I’m talking about for allowing the Repeating sections control to accept a variable for the minimum and maximum number of rows.

As to your example, are you talking about a situation in which the task responder is allowed to make changes to the repeating section data as entered by the workflow initiator? If not, you can use the controls in the form designer to grab the data from the Start event and place them on the task form. It will show however many rows the initiator used. (I realize you may already know this.) But yes, if the expectation is that the task responder can make changes to the Start event data in the repeating section, I feel your pain.



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