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I have a form that will include Terms of Use or similar language.  This will be several paragraphs of formatted text (headings, bold, and even some links).  I would like to save this language along with the other form fields each time a form is submitted, in part because this language may change over time and I want to track which version the user agreed to.


I can't use a straight label for this, because the label text is not a field that can be saved elsewhere (like SharePoint).  I am trying to use a text variable instead.  The text variable can be saved with the form and I can embed the text variable as the content of a label.  Therefore, what the user sees on the screen will always match what gets saved.


However, the text variable has a few shortcomings:

1 - It does not natively allow for formatted text. Instead, I need to manually embed html tags into the string.  It would be great if variables supported rich text natively.

2 - If I embed a link (<a> tag), line breaks are mysteriously inserted before and after the link when the user views the form.  Here is the html: "together with the Platform's <a target='_new' href='...'>Terms of Use</a>, incorporated".  Attached is a screenshot of what it looks like, showing the line breaks.  Is there any way to remove those line breaks?

Hi @msalamon,


Variables themselves are a representation of the raw values that are shown, as you know sometimes this doesn't give the best outcome, switching the capability may result in other unknown issues, I know we are working on adding capabilities that would make this use case a lot easier, We are working on the options to potentially work with objects as a 'term store' that can contain all of the data and information in the structure you mentioned but also maintain formatting and make using the data between forms much easier. 


in the meantime however there are a couple things to potentially try.


first would be to try force the inline function for the tag by using below as an example.

<a style="display:inline" target='_new' href='...'>Terms of Use</a>


If this doesn't work I know that nesting the variables works by first writing out the string as normal in a separate variable and then using that variable in the main text should work fine.


Please let me know how you get on.






Thanks for the thoughtful reply.  Unfortunately using 


did not solve the issue.  What's interesting is that when I look at the code in developer tools, I do not see that custom style tag.


The nested tags also did not work. 😞   Perhaps I am doing something wrong.
