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I have a Data Lookup control on NWC form.  The control is connected to Xtension that is calling API.  I was told that, if I want to use API on the Form, then the only data type of Response from API can be an array.  Currently, I can return a one dimensional array and populate the drop down list. 

"schema": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "string"

This is not very helpful.  I was wondering if I can return two columns back to Data Lookup, and that way it will work similar to the way it works with SharePoint lists.  With SharePoint list connectors we can select multiple columns from the list and point to them in the designer.


Hi @artmov,

This is something that will be added in the addition of data source variables that is currently on the roadmap, I believe there will be a phased role out of capability but it will solve this requirement.


Hi @Jake ,

Thank you for the information.  This is the entry that I see on the Roadmap document:

Data Source Variables:

Prefill form fields based on lookup data to simplify from data entry and increase accuracy.

This does not say anything in regards to what the enhancements would be that would enable us to pass multiple columns from Xtensions to Data Lookup control.  Please give me a bit more detail so we can be better prepared to what is coming.  It looks like we will be able to see these enhancements soon, within next couple of months.

Best Regards,


@artmov with Data Source Variables you will be able to pass in multiple conditional parameters to specify which data from the data source you are looking for, and you will also be able to get back multiple columns/values from the data source as part of your output (see below). It sounds like this would meet your use case, but would be good to confirm.



Hi @butlerj ,


This is very interesting.  Data Source Variables are something new for me.  I am a bit confused with your screenshots, as I have not seen those before.  I tried to look up for some documentation on Data Source Variables, but could not find anything.  Can you recommend some reading on that subject.



@artmov Data Source Variables are not yet released in Nintex Workflow Cloud as the feature is still under development. We're hoping to bring this to market towards the end of the month, but that is subject to change. Was curious if something like this might solve the issue that you are working through once we're able to release this out into production.

@Jake ,


The solution that was recommended by Nintex Customer Central staff was to use an array of Objects as response type.  This solved my issue.  This was a great recommendation and we were able to implement that.  The Data Lookup control can recognize the response type and it is adopting the Option Label and Option Value drop down lists accordingly with the response data type.

It will be interesting to see the Data Source Variables as well.



Sorry I used a wrong name tag on my previous post.  That message was addressed to @butlerj 


Thank you all for your recommendations.

