I thought this would be a simple thing, but apparently it’s not. I have a Scheduled start workflow that is supposed to run daily to read a SharePoint list and find any items that contain a date six weeks (42 days) in the future. The workflow ran today and reported no results even though I know there is one item in the list that should have been found.
The workflow uses an Add time to date function to calculate the future date: using the built-in Current date from the instance, it adds 42 days and provides a variable as a result (date format, not ISO 8601 text string). Then the workflow queries the list, using the conditions that the specific date column has value and matches the date variable.
When I run this, it finds no results even though, as I said, there is one item in the list that meets the conditions. I have a feeling this has something to do with the format of the Nintex date (which is in YYYY-MM-DD format and includes the time) and the SharePoint date, which is M/D/YYYY and does not include the time (nor do I want it to).
I’ve used a Log to instance details to record the data in the workflow. The variable produced by the Add time to date function today (March 4) is 2025-04-15T00:00:00.000Z. The value in the SharePoint list item is 4/15/2025. Apparently Nintex is not recognizing these two as the same date.
But how can I make it work? The Add time to date function has no option to change the date format. I don’t want to add a time to the SharePoint date column because I’m sure it would be the exact time the item was created - and then Nintex still wouldn’t find a match because it’s looking for a time of 00:00:00.000.
This seems like it should be a simple thing to do. What am I missing?