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I have a Nintex form built out in SharePoint that uses a workflow built out in Nintex Workflow Cloud. I have several task forms in NWC where the responses need to be populated back into the SharePoint list (which I know how to do) and also the original form. The user needs to then be able to view the completed original form with all responses populated. 

So, how can I get responses put into a NWC task form populated back into the original Nintex form? 

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help,


Um can't you just show all the info and responses on the form on the list? Do you have nintex forms for office 365 enabled?

If not you'd have to produce a pdf using a word template stored somewhere (SP library or Onedrive), pass data you need to doc, then attach pdf to list item or store it in a library or send it in an email.

You can update your SharePoint list item directly with fields from the NAC task form.
Just use a “update items” action where you filter on your list item ID.


You can also use a build string action to format the info you need. 

@brandiwoodson The user wants to view it back in the form, not the list. I believe I could go the Docgen route but was hoping there was another way. Thank you.


I agree that the document generation is the worst way to solve this.
The user should have a multi line text field in plain text, construct a HTML table (for example) with the responses, and display this field, through a control on the form.

@brandiwoodson The user wants to view it back in the form, not the list. I believe I could go the Docgen route but was hoping there was another way. Thank you.


Are you using the Nintex Forms for Office 365 app on your list? 


You said you had a nintex form built in SharePoint.... 


Why can't they use that form (display mode) when they click to open the list item. 

Here’s an example I did with a New Responsive Form (I blurred the sensitive information)


@brandiwoodson I think I actually got it to work now. We were previously opening it in Edit mode, but you’re right if it populates back into the list then it does show if you open in Display mode. Thank you!

Thanks @allan also for your help!

@allan  How do you get a table like that in new responsive designer for Nintex Forms for Office 365? I’d love to use this concept. 

Anyways, my appoach is kinda the same, just not in a table. It’s just a string of text. 

Use Case/Scenario: 
Business submits through new item in list (using new responsive designer for Nintex Form for Office 365). NAC Tasks are generated to individuals based on conditions.

Then when all task assignees have responded it gathers all responses and comments/responses they put on their tasks. We update four separate ML text fields in SharePoint list by passing a text string (date actioned by task assigned, hyperlink of user to open an email, and their comments). 

End result looks like this below: 


@brandiwoodson actually it’s not more complicated than what you did.
instead of putting “{current date} - Task responder} : {Comments}” in your ML text field, you create a HTML table.
The easiest way to manage this is to create a string variable with something like this : 

<table cellpadding="2" width="100%" border="1"><tr bgcolor="#EEE"><th width="20%">Date</th><th width="20%">Assigned To</th><th width="60%">Comment</th></tr></table>

and then to add a new row, just use a “replace substring in string” action :
Replace :


by :

<tr><td>{Current date}</td><td>{Task responder}</td><td>{Comments}</td></tr></table>

That way, you can use the “replace substring” action in a loop to generate all you lines.
You just have to be careful to use a PLAIN text multiline field.
Concerning the CSS, nintex strips most of the inline CSS. So either you use a CSS file in the settings of your form, or you use vanilla HTML : 

<tr bgcolor:"red" border="1">
instead of
<tr style="background:red;border=1px solid black">

For instance, this is what my action looks like for my previous table : 


@allan I could not locate CSS option for Nintex Forms for Office 365. AM I missing something? We use “New” Responsive Designer.

@allan I could not locate CSS option for Nintex Forms for Office 365. AM I missing something? We use “New” Responsive Designer.

Here are my results - I tried a label and three different configured ML text fields: 


@brandiwoodson Store the value in a SharePoint multi lines of plain text field, but display it within a Label.

Result in edit mode: 

Sorry the CSS property does not exist in New Responsive Forms, only in classic forms or on Automation Cloud.
So you should customize it with inline CSS.

Got it to work, now I just need to change font color to white in header. 

