After much time spent on this, I did the following steps to make it work as intended. I nixed the concept of using a SPO list hyperlink field.
- I created a text string. Used Item URL from start event and then added ?web=1 to the end of it.
- Created a single line of text in SPO list.
- Formatting single line of text with the below JSON code.
"$schema": "",
"elmType": "a",
"attributes": {
"href": "@currentField",
"target": "_blank"
"txtContent": "Open or Edit Doc"
I should have added in my initial post, passing the EDIT URL is fine in tasks. I needed something for a hyperlink field in SPO list passing through a NAC workflow. It’s probably nothing on Nintex’s side, appears to be an issue with SPO and how it writes strings to hyperlink field. It kept breaking.
Either way, would be nice to have the link for editing opposed to having to create a string to open a doc in edit mode.
Hi, you can also try saving the link in a multiple lines of text column with rich text/enhanced rich text enabled.
Hi, you can also try saving the link in a multiple lines of text column with rich text/enhanced rich text enabled.
Yes, that's true. I did end up switching to a ML text field in case URL was too long. I will do that next time and use the a href html tag to shorten it by using instructions or the file name. I think its nice having it say open or edit doc or the file name instead of just the URL.
Thanks so much.