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Document Tagger - Add some text formatting before inserting a variable

  • 8 October 2021
  • 3 replies


I am using Document Tagger to generate a PDF file with some variables created during my workflow process.

I would like to put some in bold. I tried to add HTML tags like <b></b> into my variable but the tags are not well interpreted during the document generation.

Is there a way to achieve this?


3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +13

@rbahassine If you want to format a variable, you apply the formatting to the tag in the template and the formatting will be applied to the value of that tag when generated.

Thank you @leighburke.

I know about the formatting the template before inserting data.

My question concerns the possibility to format a generated string with bold, underline or colors and keep this format during the insertion in a document.


I will ask my question differently.


My problem is I have data coming from 2 differents collections :


- The 1st collection (generated from a Start Event Form with a repeating section in the form where the user is invited to choose who should approve his form)


Title Name Email
CEO John Doe

CFO Mark Smith


Then the worflow begins and a task is assigned to the previous emails/users.


During the approval process I store the status, the comment and the date in 3 others collections :


- The 3 other collections :


ColStatus ColDate ColComment
Approved 2021-09-12 15:20

of for me

Refused 2021-09-15 11:10

Not in BP 2021 


I want to generate such table at the end of my document : 


Title Name Email ColStatus ColDate ColComment
CEO John Doe

Approved 2021-09-12 15:20

of for me

CFO Mark Smith

Refused 2021-09-15 11:10

Not in BP 2021 


Then I added 4 repeating data in the Nintex Document Generator. My template is an Excel document with this table as a template.


Nintex will generate the following table :


Title Name Email ColStatus ColDate ColComment
CEO John Doe

Approved 2021-09-12 15:20

of for me

CFO Mark Smith

Approved 2021-09-12 15:20 of for me
CEO John Doe

Refused 2021-09-12 15:20

of for me

CFO Mark Smith

Refused 2021-09-12 15:20 of for me
CEO John Doe

Approved 2021-09-15 11:10

of for me

CFO Mark Smith

Approved 2021-09-15 11:10 of for me
CEO John Doe

Refused 2021-09-15 11:10

of for me

CFO Mark Smith

Refused 2021-09-15 11:10 of for me
CEO John Doe

Approved 2021-09-12 15:20

Not in the BP 2021

CFO Mark Smith

Approved 2021-09-12 15:20 Not in the BP 2021
CEO John Doe

Refused 2021-09-12 15:20

Not in the BP 2021

CFO Mark Smith

Refused 2021-09-12 15:20 Not in the BP 2021
CEO John Doe

Approved 2021-09-15 11:10

Not in the BP 2021

CFO Mark Smith

Approved 2021-09-15 11:10 Not in the BP 2021
CEO John Doe

Refused 2021-09-15 11:10

Not in the BP 2021

CFO Mark Smith

Refused 2021-09-15 11:10 Not in the BP 2021


It seems like NINTEX loops in the first Collection and generate the right data, and then it loops again in the second collection to generate the statuses, and then the 3rd...etc


To solve this I used the "Create a Text String" operator.

My text string is a concatenation like this :


Title : CEO  

Name : John Smith  

Email :

Date : 2021-09-12 15:20  

Comment : ok for me  


After string is well concatenated I add it in a Collection and my Repeating Data is now only 1 Collection repeating by section.


My template is now a Word Document where I add those blocks of text at the end of the document.


And I would like to add the Title, Name, Email, Date and Comment in bold.


Maybe I should take an other direction? It would be great if we can add objects to Collections (then I wouldn't have to loop in 4 collections but only one containing the right object corresponding to the final table I would like to show to my users)


Please help.

Userlevel 5
Badge +13

@rbahassine Currently there is no way to format only part of a field. Since you are using repeating data which is a collection and not an object, using the merge collection should allow you merge your other 3 collections with the repeating section collection.


If you are using an object you would first need to break it out into individual collections, using a loop for each and then merge the collections into a new object.


