I am using Nintex Automation Cloud with SharePoint Online and Exchange Online.
The goal is to create a calendar item in the calendar of a user, making it a meeting by inviting a number of additional users as required attendees.
But the action does not seem to allow that at the moment.
- I can directly add a collection variable for the Attendees field. But not matter what that collection contains (e.g. email adresses), it seems to not have the correct format for the action to consume it. Choosing a multi-user field of a SharePoint item as the source for the Attendees field does not work as well.
- I can manually add an Attendee by cklicking “Add attendee” - but there seems to be no possibility to make that dynamic. I tried adding an attendee and setting the Email field to the concatenated email adresses of the users (either colon or semicolon), but the action doesn’t parse that and just tries to set that complete string as a single attendee.
- I even built the attendee part that Graph expects when creating an event as JSON and set that as Attendees - no success with that.
Has anybody tried something similar, i.e. dynamically collecting user info from multiple sources and setting as meeting attendees and can provide a hint?
Thanks a lot in advance!