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Hello, is there a way to connect a field in a form to a sharepoint list to put the info directly written in a field into a sharepoint column?


This is the same thing as creating a “connected to” field in Nintex for Office 365

Are you asking if there is a way to connect a Start Event Form to a sharepoint list column to a control you put on the form?

If so, no. You’d build the start event form and then create a list item in the list and pass the form data directly into the sharepoint list using the “create an item” action in the workflow.



That was what i was thinking but thank you for confirming it



Step 1 - Multiple drop downs on start form (in your case, only one will show based on conditions by user)


Step 2 - Drag/drop the start event drop downs to task, name them all the same, nobody will no the difference. Then visit rules to show the one that is filled

Step 3 - create the rules to show only the drop down that is filled. Just create 1, then copy it x more times and just change the control for each one pointing the next control. Only the one that was filled would show on your task form for users.  



Hope that helps, that should resolve your issues if you just need users to see information and not edit the information in those drop downs. :)

Step 1 - Add a run parallel action and put a run if action in each branch (create 6 branches for each control) to your workflow designer. You will want to click your first drop down (insert) into “when” and only run it if it’s not empty, examples shown below:

Run if configuration part 1


Run if configuration part 2


Step 2 - add a “Set a variable value” action in the “run if”.You want to configure it to run if the drop down is NOT empty.

set a variable value configuration part 2

Step 3 - copy your run if action in branch 1 and paste a copy of it in all the rest of the branches. Update the run if condition in each branch you pasted a copy into but configure each one to the correct control from your start event. This will involve you updated the condition in run if and the value in the set a variable value actions for each branch.


Step 4 - create an item and pass text variable into a choice field or text field in sharpeoint list. If you use a choice field, all your values (options) from your NAC forms have to be included in the choice field in sharepoint unless you have the “add values manually checked.

Create an item configuration


SharePoint list - choice field

