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In my workflow I have a repeating section with funding codes and percents. Inside a for each loop for each funding code, I run a stored Azure SQL procedure to output a bunch of data that corresponds with that funding code (e.g. fund approver, accountant, etc.).

Once that is done, I would like to combine the funding code, funding percent, and information from the stored procedure into a single merged object, with equal rows of each. Any help is appreciated.

Big caveat that I haven’t tried but something to explore could be to create a new azure stored proc and do all the merging of data within the stored proc so you receive a new object with all the data and structure you need.

One thing to look into would be inputing the json of the repeating element as a parameter into the new stored proc then pull apart the data in their.

Some the help on this page around querying json and transforming json could help you

Working with JSON data - Azure SQL Database | Microsoft Learn


Hi @AutomationPerso 
Have you resolved this question?
