You can decide by checking out this mini-guide below.
You know your focus should be on desktop automation when…
-The process requires human intervention
-The process requires use of data that cannot be predetermined
-A human user is what triggers the process
-Users need to enter information during the process
-Interaction with an online customer is a requirement during the process’s execution
-The user needs to enter the same information again and again in several places or systems
You know your focus should be on unattended RPA when…
-The process is free from human judgement
-It’s possible to map the entire process based on predefined inputs
-It’s possible for a robot to initiate the process according to a defined event/schedule
-The business process is rules-based
-The business process is highly repetitive
-The process is driven across business units, regions, functions, etc.
You can read more about the best practices for robot utilization in our guide here.