To Update manage metadata column in SharePoint list we need two thing:
1. Label of manage metadata
2. Term ID of the manage metadata.
Scenario: I want to update "Europe" in manage metadata column in SharePoint List. I have only label with me which is present in Team store.But I cannot update manage metadata column directly using action "Update Item" as I also need the termid for same.
1.We have to first select the termsetID from which the "termid" need to be taken and save in variable
example: "Country" is TermSet and need to get its ID from "Term Store management".
2.Using Taxonomy webservices "<siteurl>_vti_bin/TaxonomyClientService.asmx" in Action "CallWebservices" and user Method as "GetTermsByLabel"
Once we get the SOAP Editor details , modify the below Web Service as :
3. We get Result in XML then using "Query XML" get the TermID based on the TermStoreID
4. Once we get the TermID and the update list item using "UpdateListItem" with "label | TermID"
example: "Europe|TermID"